Change Reauthentication Time for BetterForms?

Is it possible for our account owner to change when we need to relogin to our BF account? Seems like it’s currently 24 hrs which gets very annoying when I try to save changes to a form only to be greeted with the “You don’t have permission to make changes to this record” prompt forcing me to refresh the page to relogin and losing upwards of 20 minutes of work. Is it possible for us to change it to 18 hrs so I can login at the beginning of the day not have to worry about losing progress?

Currently, this is not possible but is noted as a feature request.

I do suggest saving more often in the interim.

I tend to log out/in again at the beginning of the day to avoid this issue. I also put this snippet in my text expander, so I can easily run it in the console and have it tell me when my session is going to expire:

let d = new Date(JSON.parse(window.atob(localStorage.getItem('feathers-jwt').split('.')[1])).exp * 1000); `expires at: ${d}  (${moment(d).fromNow()})`;