Creating new account to FM BetterForms- verified but still "account disabled"

This is related to the FM Better Forms access. Not using their security in a site.
Also - I always use a password manager and it’s not a mistype or anything. Always copy/paste even for account creation.

2024-04-03 - I setup a new account from invite.
2024-04-03 - Verify account using link in verify email.
2024-04-03 - Attempt login receive “Account Disabled” and and try some more…
2024-04-03 - Using “Report a bug” at bottom of login screen sent in request.

2024-04-08 - Response that “it is fixed”

2024-04-09 - Test (a few times) - still doesn’t work.
2024-04-09 - Using “Report a bug” at bottom of login screen sent follow-up request.

2024-04-11 - Received Hey sorry for the late reply, this is resolved on our dev environment, it will be pushed out to production shortly

2024-04-15 - Still doesn’t work.

Anyone else experiencing issues with new account to better forms?

Successfully unlocked on attempt 3 by FM BetterForms staff.