Dynamic Email Link and Clipboard Action Setting from the Model

Dan Rosenstein:
works great, but the email address populate just shows as model.territory_Email. Tried quotes etc… what is the correct syntax to populate the value? thx

  "html": "Thank you for confirming your service with ACME. To make a payment by e-Transfer please email payments to this email address: <b> <a href=\"mailto:{{model.Territory_Email}}\">{{model.Territory_Email}}</a></b> and if a password is required please use ACME (one word all lower case).",
  "styleClasses": "col-md-12 bg-warning tg",
  "type": "html"

Dan Rosenstein:
ie. <a ref mailo: CORRECTSYNTAX"> email

Andrew Dam:
~Try <a :href="'mailto: + model.Territory_Email'">~

Try <a :href="'mailto:' + model.Territory_Email">

Dan Rosenstein:
Will do. Thanks Andrew!

Dan Rosenstein:
I had to pivot from opening an email to copying the email to the clipboard. So, copied the example and changed to a namedaction:

Dan Rosenstein:
“copyEmail”: [
“action”: “clipboard”,
“options”: {
“set_calc”: “model.Territory_Email”
“action”: “showAlert”,
“options”: {
“options”: {
“position”: “top right”
“text”: “Text was copied the clipbaord.”,
“title”: “Success!”,
“type”: “success”

Dan Rosenstein:
with this to trigger:

Dan Rosenstein:

"html": "Thank you for confirming your service with The Gardener. To make a payment by e-Transfer please email payments to this email address: <b> <a @click=\"namedAction('copyEmail')\">{{model.Territory_Email}}xx</a></b> and if a password is required please use <b>thegardener</b> (one word all lower case).",
    "styleClasses": "col-md-12 bg-warning tg",
  "type": "html"

Dan Rosenstein:
so the alert shows but it doesn’t copy.

Dan Rosenstein:
I thought it was because maybe it doesn’t have access to the model maybe but even with hard-coded text it doesn’t work. Any ideas?

Andrew Dam:
Away from pc right now but issue may be with the set_calc, would likely be better to revert and modify from a function key in the action instead, setting action.options.set = model.xxx

Dan Rosenstein:
hmmm, ok, will give it a try. Thanks Andrew.

Dan Rosenstein:
Worked perfectly! thanks again :sunglasses:

Dan Rosenstein:
I think this is forum worthy! :slightly_smiling_face: