I’m using a BF template and trying to figure it out.
Here’s a snippet
"slots": [{
"html": "<div class=\"\">\n\n <h2 class=\"\">{{row.nameFirst}} {{row.nameLast}}</h2>\n <a></a>\n\n</div>",
"slot": "nameBlock"
}, {
"html": "<i\n@click=\"namedAction('contactEdit',{ contact:row})\" \nclass=\" fa fa-edit fa-lg\"></i>",
"slot": "icons"
"styleClasses": "col-md-12",
"type": "table2"
the “row.nameFirst” and “row.nameLast” doesn’t make sense to me when looking at the Development Data Model…
"contacts": [{
"email": "homersimpson@aol.com",
"id": "001",
"nameCompany": "Springfield Power Plant",
"nameFirst": "Homer",
"nameLast": "Simpson",
"phone1": "313-555-1212"
}, {
"email": "margesimpson@aol.com",
"id": "002",
"nameFirst": "Marge",
"nameLast": "Simpson",
"phone1": "313-555-1212"
}, {
"email": "ned@leftorium.com",
"id": "003",
"nameFirst": "Ned",
"nameLast": "Flanders",
"phone1": "313-555-1213"
}, {
"email": "maude@leftorium.com",
"id": "004",
"nameFirst": "Maude",
"nameLast": "Flanders",
"phone1": "313-555-1213"
}, {
"email": "cw@sps.com",
"id": "005",
"nameFirst": "Clancy",
"nameLast": "Wiggum",
"phone1": "313-555-1214"
}, {
"email": "ednak@ses.com",
"id": "006",
"nameFirst": "Edna",
"nameLast": "Krabappel",
"phone1": "313-555-1215"
"row": {
"email": "homersimpson@aol.com",
"nameCompany": "Springfield Power Plant",
"nameFirst": "Homer",
"nameLast": "Simpson",
"phone1": "313-555-1212"
Why is the model NOT pulling from {{contacts.nameFirst}}? In the object “row”, there’s only 1 “record” but when I preview with the development data model activated, the list returns all the contacts
I tried substituting with my incoming JSON Array {{model. proceduresAsJSONArray.name}}
and also tried {{proceduresAsJSONArray.name}}
but nothing rendered.
How, in the dev data model, is there 1 “value” in the “row” JSON Array but yet it’s displaying all the contacts
in the development data model?