Hi <@U03ADV6RWJW> I have a question regarding data

Terence Rajapaksage:
Hi @BetterForms I have a question regarding data persistance. For instance, when I login, my FileMaker sends data inside APP with a request hook which works perfectly. However, when I refresh the page, all data is gone. How can I prevent this from happening ?

Terence Rajapaksage:
Another issue is that some data shouldn’t be stored in local or session either due to sensible data :confused:

Terence Rajapaksage:
the only way to persist data in BetterForms is through session storage ?

if the data is in app you can cache it the tab.
But, a good practice is in the create an onAppLoad hook that loads global data like the user etc

Terence Rajapaksage:
oh so onAppLoad i can send data in either model or app via FileMaker and the data should persist even after refreshes ?

It won’t persist, but you’ll effectively reloaded in again.