How can I grab the user id from an authenticated u

How can I grab the user id from an authenticated user and send that back to FM to pull related info?

Andrew Dam:
By default, the user’s information is passed into FM in the $$BF_User global variable, you can grab the id from that object.

Andrew Dam:
Actually, that’s only half the story. The id in the $$BF_User is the id of the User in the Helper File.

You can have a field in the User table in your business file to store the Helper File id and find your record that way.

Got it, tysm as always Andrew :slightly_smiling_face:

Adding my solution to the thread.

In BF - onFormRequest - name script
Set Variable [$id; Value: JSONGetElement ( $$BF_User ; “id” )]
Json was then filtered by the set variable.

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