How to space out radio buttons

I’ve got some radio buttons (photo). Part of my code block is below.

The mt-5 mb-5 doesn’t do anything.

And also, why is "Recent fevers or chills" indented more than "Recent Weight Loss"?

Here are 2 radio buttons.

                "featured": false,
                "label_calc": "model.lang == 'English' ? model.form.textQuestionEnglish[75] : model.lang == 'Español' ? model.form.textQuestionSpanish[75] : 'select a language'",
                "model": "form.textResponse[75]",
                "required": false,
                "styleClasses": "mt-5 mb-5 col-md-6 inline",
                "type": "radios",
                "validator": "required",
                "values_calc": "_.split(model.form.responseValues[75],',')"
            }, {
                "featured": false,
                "label_calc": "model.lang == 'English' ? model.form.textQuestionEnglish[76] : model.lang == 'Español' ? model.form.textQuestionSpanish[76] : 'select a language'",
                "model": "form.textResponse[76]",
                "required": false,
                "styleClasses": "mt-5 mb-5 col-md-6 inline",
                "type": "radios",
                "validator": "required",
                "values_calc": "_.split(model.form.responseValues[76],',')"