What if I were to have a JSONArray field within FM and pass the checklist VALUES into BF. And then use the Model to pass the info back?My JSONArray that I’m trying to pull from and use in VALUES is model.form.responseValues[18]
{ "featured": false,
"hint": "Select all that apply",
"label_calc": "model.lang == 'English' ? model.form.textQuestionEnglish[18] : model.lang == 'Español' ? model.form.textQuestionSpanish[18] : 'select a language'",
"listBox": true,
"model": "form.textResponse[18]",
"required": true,
"styleClasses": "col-md-6", "type": "checklist",
"validator": "required",
"values": ["{{model.form.responseValues[18]}}"] }
How would I format the “values” line to pull in my JSON array from FM?