How do you search to see if a string is contained in another string?
Example: if BF_Text1 has a string of text in it “Today is a good day”. How do I write a logic to test if BF_Text1 contains “good”? I want to use it in “values_calc” so a JSON object can conditionally show or hide.
A while ago I learned from fmbf team to use Lodash’s function to filter value. Example: “_.filter(model.BF_Text1 , {‘venue’ : ‘Canberra Theatre’}).length” which is great. But that seems to work for array only. Now I just want to search a string within a string (hence like Patterncount).
I tried to look up manual for Loadash, Numeral and Moment but didn’t have much luck. Clumsy at JS still.
Thanks in advance,