HTML Checkboxes and Validation

Melvyn Parr:
Hi All, is there any way of having a checklist in the same format as radio buttons… i.e. a long list rather than a list in a scrolling window?

Melvyn Parr:
now my head hurts lol

Andrew Dam:
:sweat_smile: Is there a part you’re stuck on?

Melvyn Parr:
all of it… tbh

Andrew Dam:
Let’s start from the beginning. In your Data Model, we need a field containing your array of values.

Melvyn Parr:

Andrew Dam:
I believe you may be in the wrong tab there. Are you in the Data Model tab or the Page Builder?

Melvyn Parr:
been a long day

Andrew Dam:
No worries, now we can create an HTML field in your page builder. You can grab one from the Snippet Library:

Melvyn Parr:
done ty

Andrew Dam:
Lastly, you can refer to the v-for loop from earlier.

Melvyn Parr:
it pulls through all the data rather than just whats selected?

Andrew Dam:
It currently doesn’t update the model when selected. You can add an action on click that updates the model.

For example, on @click, we can run a namedAction sending it the answer that was clicked:

@click="namedAction('updateAnswers', {answer: disability})"

Andrew Dam:
Note: This is only necessary when working with checkboxes, I’ve ran into issues with using v-model to bind.

Andrew Dam:
In your Page Info tab, you can create a named action that runs a function like so:

Andrew Dam:
My function runs a script that grabs the passed answer, and either pushes it to the answers array or if unselecting, splices it from the array.

var answer = action.options.answer

var index = _.findIndex(model.answers, function(element) { return element == answer; });

if (index === -1){
    model.answers.splice(index, 1)

Melvyn Parr:
hi, can u share the text for the page info tab so i can copy it?

Andrew Dam:
I edited my previous message with the contents of the function, you can copy that.

Andrew Dam:
If you need the whole named action:

"updateAnswers": [
      "action": "function",
      "function": "var answer = action.options.answer\n\nvar index = _.findIndex(model.answers, function(element) { return element == answer; });\n\nif (index === -1){\n    model.answers.push(answer)\n}\nelse{\n    model.answers.splice(index, 1)\n}"

Melvyn Parr:
that goes into page info?

Andrew Dam:
Correct, under the namedActions. Can see that in the image I linked a little bit earlier.

Melvyn Parr:
yeah… i wanted that text to save typing it all lol

Andrew Dam:
The only part of the Page Info that’s needed is the named action.

Melvyn Parr:

Melvyn Parr:
apologies… i have been working since 6am and its now 19:30… been a long day and my brain is fried

Andrew Dam:
Do you currently have a named action object in your Page Info?

Melvyn Parr:

Andrew Dam:
Great, on line 7 you have a namedActions object. You can paste the named action code I pasted earlier under that line.

"updateAnswers": [
      "action": "function",
      "function": "var answer = action.options.answer\n\nvar index = _.findIndex(model.answers, function(element) { return element == answer; });\n\nif (index === -1){\n    model.answers.push(answer)\n}\nelse{\n    model.answers.splice(index, 1)\n}"

Melvyn Parr:
like that?

Andrew Dam:
That looks right

Melvyn Parr:
cool… what next?

Andrew Dam:
Assuming all the steps were done, the checklist should now update the answers array.

Melvyn Parr:
where does this go

Melvyn Parr:
var answer = action.options.answer

var index = _.findIndex(model.answers, function(element) { return element == answer; });

if (index === -1){
model.answers.splice(index, 1)

Andrew Dam:
That is actually already inside the function that is line 10 in your image.

Melvyn Parr:
oh yeah…lol… just relaised

Melvyn Parr:
i must have missed something

Andrew Dam:
Looks like the answers array (line 6) is being updated correctly, was there a different desired result?

Melvyn Parr:
i just want to see what will be imported into FM… will that do that?

Melvyn Parr:
im so andrew i see line 6 now

Melvyn Parr:

Andrew Dam:
No problem, does this solve your issue?

Melvyn Parr:
so what $$ do i use when pulling into FM?

Andrew Dam:
All data passed from BF to FM is in the $$BF_Model

Melvyn Parr:
yep. but the

Andrew Dam:
It would be the name of the answers array, which I believe is currently answers.

Melvyn Parr:
ok cool… thank you Andrew… appreciate your help AGAIN

Andrew Dam:
Glad I could help! I’ll archive this thread on the forum for future travelers.

Melvyn Parr:
one last question… how do i make this required.?

Andrew Dam:
You can run a custom validation routine for HTML fields. First, give the HTML field "required": true, "validator": "calc", and a custom error message such as "errorMsg": "Please select an option.". Then, have a calc for the validator to check if the answers array has an answer: "validator_calc": "model.answers.length > 0".

Altogether, it will look close to:

  "html": "<div v-for=\"disability in model.disabilities\">\n    <input type=\"checkbox\" @click=\"namedAction('updateAnswers', {answer: disability})\">\n    <label>{{disability}}</label>\n</div>",
  "required": true,
  "styleClasses": "",
  "type": "html",
  "validator": "calc",
  "validator_calc": "model.answers.length > 0",
  "errorMsg": "Please select an option."

Melvyn Parr:
oh ok… so its in the html element… thanks

I think this could have also been handled with CSS to not limit the box height?

@delfs Definitely something I considered and tested. It would depend if you wanted to display the options in the box or not.

From my understanding Melvyn’s original question, the desire was to have the styling the same as well. Though both options are valid and can be used.

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