In the “Tailwind stacked columns table” example,

In the “Tailwind stacked columns table” example, I want to have the notes element displayed below the other tds in the tr. Is that possible, or would i have to use slots?

Andrew Dam:
Can you clarify the desired result? Do you want to show some other data under the td but still in the tr?

Yes, but could “Some Notes” span across multiple tds?

because the notes are potentially long

Andrew Dam:
I’m not sure, if the notes are long it may be better to have them in another column

In this same page, I tried to wire the button to a namedAction with the row data as a parameter. What am I missing?
<td @click="namedAction('openCard',{row:this.params.row})" class="py-4 pl-3 pr-4 text-right text-sm font-medium sm:pr-6">
<a href="#" class="!text-indigo-600 hover:!text-indigo-900">Edit</a>

Andrew Dam:
You actually don’t need this.params to reference the row data in HTML, you can just do {row: row}

how do I reference that in the named action?

“function_calc”: “app.studentData = row”,

Andrew Dam:
I’ve never actually seen a function have a _calc before. Could you provide more context of the implementation?

"namedActions": {
"openCard": [{
"action": "showCardModal",
"options": {
"function_calc": "app.studentData = action.params.row",
"height": "100%",
"idForm": "FR_01FECFEA-6A66-D549-8DA6-82B6BFFBB7FD",
"pivotX": 1,
"resizable": true,
"type": "modal",
"width": "40%"
"onFormLoad": []

Andrew Dam:
The function field should be outside of the options object; on the same level as action. I also would remove the _calc.

It works, meaning that if I define the app.studentData element with a hard coded value, the app model is set.

Andrew Dam:
Well to grab the options that were passed from the HTML namedAction call, you can grab it from action.options

Andrew Dam:
So since you called it row, it would be action.options.row

Beverly Voth:
A TD to colspan across the TD’s above it, would be a new row:
(there are also rowspans)

So, I moved to this, but still not getting anything

"namedActions": {
"openCard": [
{ "action": "function",
"function": "debugger; app.studentData = action.options.row"
"action": "showCardModal",
"options": {
"function": "app.studentData = action.options.row ",
"height": "100%",
"idForm": "FR_01FECFEA-6A66-D549-8DA6-82B6BFFBB7FD",
"pivotX": 1,
"resizable": true,
"type": "modal",
"width": "40%"

Andrew Dam:
You just need the function field rather than the entire object:

  "action": "showCardModal",
  "function": "...",
  "options": {

"namedActions": {
"openCard": [{
"action": "showCardModal",
"function": "app.studentData = action.options.row",
"options": {
"height": "100%",
"idForm": "FR_01FECFEA-6A66-D549-8DA6-82B6BFFBB7FD",
"pivotX": 1,
"resizable": true,
"type": "modal",
"width": "40%"
"onFormLoad": []

Still no data in the app model

Andrew Dam:
Have you tried checking if anything was in the action.options object?

Okay… you’re right. The issue is back in the html

the options passed in are all the pages schema

Andrew Dam:
So different than the HTML action from before?

I got it! Thanks! Here’s my code

<tr v-for="st in model.student">

<td @click="namedAction('openCard',{row:st})" class="py-4 pl-3 pr-4 text-right text-sm font-medium sm:pr-6">
<a href="#" class="!text-indigo-600 hover:!text-indigo-900">Edit</a>

"function": "app.studentData = action.options.row",

Andrew Dam:
Ah got it, it was a v-for table and not a vue-table.

Andrew Dam:
Glad you found the solution!

preciate the help! You’re the best!