Input to array syntax

I would like to save form input to an array in the model. I have looked on the forum and in the docs but I can’t find the syntax to define an array. I guess this should be possible?

here is what I have now, how can I make the value of “textResponse” an array?

                "inputType": "text",
                "label": "Q1",
                "model": "form.textResponse1",
                "type": "input"
            }, {
                "inputType": "text",
                "label": "Q2",
                "model": "form.textResponse2",
                "type": "input"

You can define an array in your Data Model tab.

In the default data, you can define your array with something like

"textResponses": [{
        "textResponse1": "",
        "textResponse2": ""

For your input fields, you can now target the textReponses array and have something like

"model": "textResponses[0].textResponse1"

If you wanted each response to be its own object in the array, you can do something like

"textResponses": [{
        "textResponse1": ""
        "textResponse2": ""

and then target the second one with

"model": "textResponses[1].textResponse2"

*Edited with right syntax

Thanks, but I’m not seeing how to just get an Array of values, not an array of objects, Maybe it can’t be done?

I would like to get is simple array of values, from my input fields, something like this:



is there a way to do that?

I feel like my page should look something like this, but this does not work:

                "inputType": "text",
                "label": "Q1",
                "model": "form.textResponse[0]",
                "type": "input"
            }, {
                "inputType": "text",
                "label": "Q2",
                "model": "form.textResponse[1]",
                "type": "input"

I just tried your solution and it worked for me.

Default Data Model:

"form": {
        "textResponse": []

Page Builder:

                "inputType": "text",
                "label": "Input 1",
                "model": "form.textResponse[0]",
                "styleClasses": "col-md-3",
                "type": "input"
            }, {
                "inputType": "text",
                "label": "Input 2",
                "model": "form.textResponse[1]",
                "styleClasses": "col-md-3",
                "type": "input"
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yes - it is that easy! Thank you, all good now.

because objects don’t need to predefined in the default data model, I was unsure how to declare an array. I see now that arrays do need to be predefined in the default data model.
(edited typos)