isDelete API User

isDelete user isn’t working. I hardcoded the id just to make sure. The script is performing a read not an isDelete as should.

   JSONSetElement ( "{}" ; 

["id"; "04DFFD4A-D41C-1E4E-9178-E142811BD9B8" ; JSONString ];
["isDelete"; True ; JSONBoolean ]


The actual usage requires that you set isDelete to the string of “true”, not boolean

Hmm thats a bug for sure then, @Jason_Perry, can you fix in master?

I believe I tried string also.

You may need to open up the script in the helper file to double-check how it’s parsing the isDelete. It might require “True” as a string (capitalized)

Yes, its a string, this works…

JSONSetElement ( "{}" ; 

["id"; $iduser ; JSONString ];
["isDelete"; "True" ; JSONString ]
