Populating HTML List with FM Records

I want to have a section of Team Members. I pulled this off the TailwindUI site. “Grid with round images” Team Sections - Official Tailwind CSS UI Components

I’m already sending from FM to BF a JSON Object in the form of…(I have yet to set my team members records)

JSONSetElement ( $$BF_MODEL
; ["event.bandName" ; Event_Band::bandName ; JSONString ]
; ["event.BookingStatus" ; Event::BookingStatus ; JSONString ]
; ["event.BandAttire" ; Event::BandAttire ; JSONString ]

What’s going to come from FM to BF is the/a list of records from my Event_EventAssignment table. My tables are related by Event::id = EventAssignment::idf_event

I wanna show the team (and their roles) for the Event.

My current html

<!-- This example requires Tailwind CSS v2.0+ -->
<div class="bg-white">
    <div class="max-w-7xl mx-auto py-12 px-4 text-center sm:px-6 lg:px-8 lg:py-24">
        <div class="space-y-8 sm:space-y-12">
            <div class="space-y-5 sm:mx-auto sm:max-w-xl sm:space-y-4 lg:max-w-5xl">
                <h2 class="text-3xl font-extrabold tracking-tight sm:text-4xl">The People</h2>
                <p class="text-xl text-gray-500">Here is the current roster for this event.</p>
            <ul role="list" class="mx-auto grid grid-cols-2 gap-x-4 gap-y-8 sm:grid-cols-4 md:gap-x-6 lg:max-w-5xl lg:gap-x-8 lg:gap-y-12 xl:grid-cols-6">
                    <div class="space-y-4">
                        <img class="mx-auto h-20 w-20 rounded-full lg:w-24 lg:h-24" v-bind:src="model.person.image + '&auto=format&fit=facearea&facepad=8&w=1024&h=1024&q=80'" alt="">
                        <div class="space-y-2">
                            <div class="text-xs font-medium lg:text-sm">
                                <h3>{{model.person.nameFirst}} {{model.person.nameLast}}</h3>
                                <p class="text-indigo-600">{{model.person.role}}</p>
                                <p class="text-indigo-600">{{model.person.status}}</p>
                <!-- More people... <li> to </li> -->

I’m guessing I need to bring the list of people in from FM in my $$BF_Model and then parse that out into the <li> above?

Here’s where I’m at with this

dev data model snippet

 "hires": {
        "employee.nameFirst": "John",
        "employee.nameLast": "Doe",
        "employee.headShotURL": "https://i.ibb.co/Lkd7QjR/chrisbleth.png"

HTML List:

<li v-for="employee in model.hires" :key="hires.employee.nameFirst">
    <div class="space-y-4">
        <img class="mx-auto h-20 w-20 rounded-full lg:w-24 lg:h-24"
            v-bind:src="model.hires.employee.headShotURL + '&auto=format&fit=facearea&facepad=8&w=1024&h=1024&q=80'"
        <div class="space-y-2">
            <div class="text-xs font-medium lg:text-sm">
                <h3>{{model.hires.employee.nameFirst}} {{model.hires.employee.nameLast}}</h3>
                <p class="text-indigo-600">{{model.hires.employee.EmployeeRole}}</p>
                <p class="text-indigo-600">{{model.hires.employee.statusDisplay_c}}</p>

in the HTML editor, it says “error: model not loaded”. I have Development Data turned on.

model.hires is an object, and I believe v-for is expecting an array.

For reference
v-for can accept Array, Object or string

The value of each key is returned for an Object and each letter for a string

The issue above is that there are dots in the key names vs a nested object

Ah right, it should be structured closer to:

"hires": [
        "nameFirst": "John",
        "nameLast": "Doe"
        "nameFirst": "Bob",
        "nameLast": "Smith"

Can refer back to a previous thread on v-for loops.

Like this?

<li v-for="employee in model.hires" :key="model.hires.email">
    <div class="space-y-4">
        <img class="mx-auto h-20 w-20 rounded-full lg:w-24 lg:h-24"
            v-bind:src="model.hires.headShotURL + '&auto=format&fit=facearea&facepad=8&w=1024&h=1024&q=80'" alt="">
        <div class="space-y-2">
            <div class="text-xs font-medium lg:text-sm">
                <h3>{{model.hires.nameFirst}} {{model.hires.nameLast}}</h3>
                <p class="text-indigo-600">{{model.hires.EmployeeRole}}</p>
                <p class="text-indigo-600">{{model.hires.statusDisplay_c}}</p>

Dev Data Model:

"hires": [{
        "nameFirst": "John",
        "nameLast": "Doe",
        "email": "john@doe.com",
        "statusDisplay_c": "Confirmed",
        "EmployeeRole": "Drums",
        "headShotURL": "https://i.ibb.co/Lkd7QjR/chrisbleth.png"

Default Data Model:

    "band": {},
    "client": {},
    "event": {},
    "person": {},
    "tech": {},
    "venue": {},
    "hires": []

For some reason, in the HTML editor, it’s not picking up my development data.

In a v-for loop, you don’t have to reference the model for the object, you can use the variable you created in the v-for declaration employee. So something similar to:

`<h3>{{employee.nameFirst}} {{employee.nameLast}}</h3>`

that breaks my brain

I’m having trouble sending JSON to BF.

I’m trying to get all the related records from a table.
Parent Table is Events. I have a join table (EventAssignment) that is in between Events and Roster.

Events::id = EventAssigment::idf_event
EventAssignment::idf_roster = Roster::id

When I go to my Events table and find my single event, I can see, in the Data Viewer, all the related people using a field called namesAsJSONArray. That is a Summary field (list of namesAsJSON).

That returns the people associated with this event:
namesAsJSONArray =

{"nameFirstLast_c":"Dallas Kruse"}
{"nameFirstLast_c":"Nic Rodriguez"}

I need my JSON Array formatted as:

"hires": [
        "nameFirst": "John",
        "nameLast": "Doe"
        "nameFirst": "Bob",
        "nameLast": "Smith"
      .....more people here

I’m setting my $$$BF_Model via

Set Variable [ $$BF_Model ; Value: JSONSetElement ( $$BF_MODEL
; [ "hires" ; Event_EventAssignment__Roster::namesAsJSONArray ; JSONArray ]

When I run that script … the array is empty and I can’t figure out why. It shows:

	"hires" : []

FWIW. I FINALLY figured something out that worked.

JSONSetElement ( "" 
; [ "hires" ; JSON.ArrayFromRelated ( Event_EventAssignment::asJSON ) ; "" ]