Scrollable card modal - not working

I can’t seem to get the card modal to be scrollable. I’ve set the cardmodal option “scrollable” to true, and I’ve also tried adding “overflow-y-auto” as well as “overflow-scroll” in styleClassesPage. I’m showing product details which all vary in length; I need this to be scrollable. The contents of the card modal has an html section at the top which is followed by a listrows section (both BF objects).

I’ve turned on the resizable option as a work around, but it’s not at all intuitive. Not sure what I’m doing wrong. Here’s the call for the card modal:

"namedActions": {
    "onFormLoad": [],
    "productDetails": [{
        "action": "function",
        "function": "debugger\nvar rowID = action.options.row.menuprodID\n\nmodel.testing = rowID"
    }, {
        "action": "showCardModal",
        "function": "debugger\nvar rowID = action.options.row.menuprodID\n\naction.options.query.mealID = rowID",
        "options": {
            "clickToClose": true,
            "draggable": true,
            "height": "35%",
            "name": "myModal",
            "query": {},
            "resizable": true,
            "scrollable": true,
            "slug": "orders/productDetails",
            "type": "modal",
            "width": "40%"

OK. I went to the vue page its based on. The scrollable bit only works to work when the height has been set to auto. Auto height actually solves my problem (and answers an earlier question I posted). Would be helpful if the BF doc is updated to include the auto height / width and adaptive options.