Substitute checklist values in FileMaker

Melvyn Parr:
Hi All… I am pulling data into filemaker via a form using a checklist… When the data populates into a filemaker field i end up with the picture… How can i have it so it reads. Attention to detail, IT skills, Organisation skills etc…


Chris Conger:
There are multiple ways to accomplish your desired text string.

  1. You could loop thru the array building your text
  2. Use a substitute function
    Based on how you have just a simple array I would probably use the substitute function

Melvyn Parr:
Hi Chris, thanks for reply. Would you mind explaining how I do the substitute function (I’m new to all this!) … appreciated

Chris Conger:
Assuming your incoming array is from a value list, selection type field the format will be consistent regarding the spacing. Therefore you can use something like below while replacing the value for ~Array with your text in the image you posted

Let ([

~Array = “[“Apple”,“Bannana”,“Cherry”,“Orange”]”

] ;

Substitute (~Array ; [ “[”" ; “” ] ;
[ “”,"" ; “, " ] ;
[ “”]” ; “” ]



David Schellenberg:

JSONListValues ( yourJSONArray ; "" )

Chris Conger:
David’s is a much better solution but you will still need to use a substitute function to get it in the format you desired.

Let ([

~Array = “[“Apple”,“Bannana”,“Cherry”,“Orange”]”

] ;

Substitute ( JSONListValues ( ~Array ; “” ) ; ¶; ", ")


Melvyn Parr:
thats an easy solution and makes it look tidy… THANK YOU


Melvyn Parr:
Thank you David and Chris… appreciate you taking your time to help