Updating Codebase Error

Having issues with a codebase update.
Have just moved a dev site (*.fmbetterforms.com) from bf-latest to bf-staging to take advantage of messaging and have had an issue in multiple browsers (safari and firefox) on different machines where the site got stuck in a redirect to /error loop regardless of the slug being navigated to, this was not cleared by qutting and restarting the browser, disabling caching on the site or even a machine reboot but required navigating through privacy/security settings for the browser and manually deleting all site data for fmbetterforms.com. This is obviously not something we can expect all users to do if we update a production site to a different codebase to also work with these newer features. Neither can we afford to wait for these features to roll out to bf-latest given the development cycle time.

Anyone have any suggestions?

Kind Regards

@delfs Is there any news on when this issue will be resolved?

Question for those experiencing this, @APJ and @MJ-APJ

on this site/domain that had this codebase update. Inside of the Navigation page, was a slug name of “default” set for any pages it or was there none?

A fix for this bug is to do a site save. For example go into the navigation page and click save. Be sure to be in the right environment

We have reported this previously as a known bug and are working on patches.

The issue is caused by an internal cache ( In the BF Cloud ) not being reset and the two codebase-schemas are not compatible.